We’re deep into winter, and it couldn’t be colder in NYC. But when the temperatures plummet far below comfortable, there’s nothing like a fresh spring manicure to warm you up. With the season of renewal on the horizon, it’s a good idea to have a few looks lined up and ready to go. Luckily, there are lots of inspiring manicures floating around Instagram, including pretty pastel nails. While light and airy shades are traditional for the season, this year we’re changing things up a bit.
It’s not just about a creamy color and is instead about using the season’s beloved hues to remix some trends and classic designs. It’s time to let go of your moody manicure and embrace something new. If you’re fed up with winter and need some warm springy inspiration, the list below is a good place to start. Ahead, 10 pretty pastel nail ideas to get you in the mood for spring.