Whether you recently welcomed a newborn into the world, are navigating the throes of teen angst, or have finally joined the empty-nester club, it’s probably been awhile since you’ve done something solely for yourself. While there’s nothing better than being a mom, it’s a full-time job that’s not only hard work, but also taxing on your body.
If you’re feeling inadequate physically, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a cosmetic procedure to regain your confidence and beat any post-partum body blues. That’s precisely the reason why Atlanta plastic surgeon Carmen Kavali, MD offers Mommy Makeovers at her practice. No matter what you are looking for, it can be completely tailored to your needs and include everything from a breast lift to a tummy tuck. Keep reading to hear what Dr. Kavali shared with NewBeauty about her mom-centric services, so you can say bye-bye to baby fat once and for all.
NewBeauty: Please tell me about the Mommy Makeover procedure and what types of procedures it involves?
Dr. Kavali: A Mommy Makeover is designed to help you get back your pre-baby body—or better! We know that bodies change tremendously with each pregnancy and that all the diet and exercise in the world won’t get rid of loose skin or tighten breasts.
In a Mommy Makeover, breast and body reshaping are often done at the same time. This might mean a breast lift with or without implants or fat transfer, a breast reduction, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. A Mommy Makeover is meant to address whatever has changed after pregnancy.
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Ne Beauty: Is every Mommy Makeover customizable?
Dr. Kavali: Mommy Makeovers are each customized to address specific concerns after pregnancy. A Mommy Makeover isn’t one procedure; it’s a combination of procedures. The most common areas treated with a Mommy Makeover are the tummy and breasts. Treatment of the tummy usually involves a tummy tuck, but women who don’t have much loose skin and who still have good muscle tone might only need liposuction or a mini tummy tuck. Liposuction of the waist is included with my tummy tucks, but many women choose to also contour their hips, thighs, or back with liposuction as part of their Mommy Makeover.
The breast component of a Mommy Makeover is the most variable. Some women gain a lot of volume in their breasts during pregnancy, then lose all of it, and more, after breastfeeding. Other women gain volume and keep it all. Still, others don’t notice much change in volume, but have a great change in breast shape after pregnancy, usually with hollowing in the upper half of the breasts. So the breast component of a Mommy Makeover is meant to address very specific concerns. Do we need more volume in the breasts?If so, we’ll add an implant or some fat grafting. Do we need less volume? We’ll do a breast reduction. Do the breasts need lifting? We’ll do that, too.
NewBeauty: Who is a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
Dr. Kavali: A good candidate for a Mommy Makeover is someone who has finished childbearing, has been done breastfeeding for at least 3-6 months, is healthy, and is near their ideal body weight.
NewBeauty: How is the procedure empowering for moms and why do you think it’s so popular?
Dr. Kavali: Pregnancy is obviously uniquely feminine, and that’s empowering in itself. However, the body changes that can accompany a pregnancy are something a woman can’t truly control and can’t reverse with diet or exercise—and that doesn’t feel so empowering. It can be frustrating to eat right, to work out, and to still not see positive body changes because loose skin and stretched muscles won’t change. A Mommy Makeover can address all the body changes a woman can’t control after pregnancy, giving her back “herself.”
NewBeauty: What’s the expected downtime after a Mommy Makeover and are there any risks involved?
Dr. Kavali: The downtime after a Mommy Makeover depends on which combination of procedures is done. On average, it’s about 2-3 weeks. Risks are the same as with most other surgeries:bleeding, infection, poor scarring, asymmetry, implant complications, risks of anesthesia, blood clots (DVT). I also follow my patients closely in the first year after surgery to be sure everything is healing as expected.