New York City Ballet’s Tiler Peck on the Drugstore Beauty Product She Must Have Backstage

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New York City Ballet’s Tiler Peck on the Drugstore Beauty Product She Must Have Backstage featured image
Rikers Brothers / Yumiko Inoue

Widely recognized as one of the top ballerinas of our time and regarded as a “dance luminary,” Tiler Peck just kicked off her 20th year with the New York City Ballet. Currently the only company-employed prima ballerina who also choreographs (in pointe shoes no less), Peck is truly one of a kind. While her work as a dancer and choreographer continues to surpass traditional boundaries, she also makes time for rest, recovery, family and her favorite local facials.

Congrats on your 20th anniversary. That’s huge. What advice would you give to the girl who started out 20 years ago?

I was just talking about this with my family yesterday. I was saying that I would literally tell myself that there is no better feeling. If you love it, it’s so worth it. I’ve run into a lot of people who say, “Oh, I really hope my daughter doesn’t want to dance.” I’m so shocked by that because I’ve had such an amazing experience. Yes, it’s hard. I don’t think that by any definition we can say that it’s an easy career. I do feel like if you’re willing to put in the work and you love it, there’s almost nothing like getting to perform live on stage. The fact that I get to call this a job is crazy because I just love dancing so much.

Photo by Yumiko Inoue

That’s amazing. If you weren’t dancing, what do you think you’d be doing?

I always say I’d probably be a lawyer.

On the beauty front, I’m assuming you wear very heavy makeup when you perform. How do you wash away the day?

Yes. I have to have Neutrogena wipes. They have to be somewhere in the theater! Our makeup is so thick. We wear grease, a pancake layer and then a powder layer. It’s a lot. When you’re doing that every single night, it’s pretty tough on the skin. I always have a Neutrogena wipe just to get everything off before I leave the theater. Then, when I get home, I do my Cerave face wash. Then, I have my favorite face lotion that I put on. It’s called Youth Corridor. It’s the Ultimate Nourishing Cream. It’s pretty thick, but I feel like I need that after so much makeup on and off.

Is there any place in New York that you love going to for facials or anything else aesthetic or wellness-based?

Yes, I do. I go to Youth Corridor. After every season, I go for the facial. It’s so good, I do their no-peel peel. I don’t really know why it’s called that, but it really gives the pores a little refresher, because they’ve taken such a beating from our season. I definitely get that, “Oh, you’re glowing” comment after I visit. That’s my treat to myself after the season.

That’s a great recommendation. What do you do for your body for self-care?

I take an Epsom salt bath pretty much every night. We elevate a lot, so we always say that we have a permanent elevating station on our couch, which is hysterical. I can watch TV, but be elevating at a 90 degree angle for my feet and my back. Then I have this really great little secret that it’s actually a beauty secret. It’s called the Aztec healing clay. A lot of people use it for their face. When you mix it with apple cider vinegar, you make a clay. I mix it with a little bit of apple cider vinegar to make a thick clay consistency. But I’ve been using a lot this season over my foot because it takes the inflammation down. I saran-wrap it and I sleep with it. In the morning, I take the clay off and it’s really helpful!

That’s a cool tip. I know you’ll be super busy this fall and winter with the company. What else are you looking forward to on a personal level outside of the ballet?

Well, I just got engaged! I’m excited to plan a wedding and figure out where it’s going to be. Also, I’m getting ready to go to California for two weeks to be with my family. I don’t get to go as often as I would like, so I am really looking forward to that. It’s not that much time off, but it will be great. Then, we’re right back to work and then we start Nutcracker!

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