
Gems For Life?

Gems For Life? featured image

Last week I saw a picture of the singer Pink flashing her ‘diamonds,’ as she refers to them, but her ‘diamonds’ were in her teeth. This reminded me of an interesting article I had read in www.topix.net on January 5, 2007 titled “Teeth Jewel Home Kits are in Vogue With Teenage Fans.” It turns out Pink’s temporary gems that are bonded onto her tooth surface are becoming quite the trend.

The article refers to DecoDent Tooth Jewelry introduction of a home kit, which attaches tooth crystals onto the surface of teeth with a dentistry adhesive. This trend may just be the latest craze with teenagers, but I recall an instance when a fifteen-year old patient brought a diamond to my practice pleading for me to bond it into her central tooth. I refused to destroy her beautiful front tooth; I tried for an hour to talk her out of it. However, she eventually found another dentist who did it for her. I wonder 15 years later, if she still has the diamond in her front tooth, or has she replaced it with a tooth-colored bonded restoration, which may help her become more “socially acceptable” in her adult society.

I think it is important for anyone to make an informed decision when trying to embellish their smiles with gems. They need to make sure not to get “tattoos of the teeth” that would be fixed for life.

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