There’s Finally a Deodorant That Doesn’t Leave White Marks on Your Clothes

There’s Finally a Deodorant That Doesn’t Leave White Marks on Your Clothes featured image

The range of things that can go wrong in the beauty world is pretty vast. Self-tanning can leave you looking like an oompa-loompa, a bad dye job can ruin your confidence, and something as small as a chipped manicure can be absolutely maddening. Sure, all these instances aren’t necessarily the end of the world, but that doesn’t make them any less annoying.

Luckily, there’s a drugstore product on the market that will finally put an end to one of the most irritating beauty misfortunes that we’ve ever had to suffer through: deodorant marks on clothing.

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Deodorant marks are not only unsightly on your outfits, but they also actually cause permanent stains on your clothing that— depending on the severity—can render your clothes unwearable. White shirts get a gross-looking yellow ring around the armpits and darker-colored clothing gets hideous white marks. Fortunately, the new innovation within the Dove Invisible Dry Spray Antiperspirant ($6) ensures that your clothing will never again sport ugly stains from deodorant—no matter what you wear.

While we’ve all heard this claim before from various brands, Dove is one of the first to actually deliver on its promise. At a press event for the brand in New York, editors viewed a demonstration in which a rack of clothing full of various fabrics in different colors was sprayed with the antiperspirant. The clothing should’ve been stained after the generous spray, however, there were zero white marks to be found.

So, how do they do it? Well, it’s simple. The main ingredient found in antiperspirants is a white powder (typically responsible for the deodorant marks), so in order to eliminate the visible residue, Dove used a finer-milled powder with a masking oil to minimize the occurrence of deodorant marks. As a result, this new deodorant will be completely invisible on 100 different colors of clothing, while also offering the same 48-hour odor and wetness protection the brand is known for. Talk about a win-win.

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