This $6 Coconut Oil–Infused Comb Is Magic

This $6 Coconut Oil–Infused Comb Is Magic featured image

As anyone with “big,” frizzy hair can attest to, running a comb through your locks doesn’t typically result in anything good.

I learned my lesson early: I couldn’t have been older than six or seven when I first got my hands on one. What was this magical instrument they were giving out for free during school picture day? The tiny teeth and pocket size seemed so much easier to use than the big, bulky brushes we had at home. I couldn’t wait to try it.

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The comb might have made it a full inch down my mane before it got stuck—like going-absolutely-nowhere stuck—and the more I struggled, the more it was knotting up more and more hair in its wake. (For anyone who hasn’t experienced getting any kind of tool stuck in their hair, it’s like not being able to get out of a dress or shirt in a department store dressing room, times 100.) 

I finally admitted to my mom that I needed help and she had to cut it out. It was horrifying, and, needless to say, I went back to the bulky brushes—rarely ever venturing to stray into comb territory again.

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Cricket’s Ultra Smooth Coconut Conditioning Comb ($6) helped me face my fears. It wasn’t the brand name or the look of the comb that convinced me; it was the promise of coconut oil infused into the plastic that had me read to take a test-drive (the company says the ingredient helps to de-frizz and adds back nutrients). There’s also the go-to smoother of keratin in there as well, which comes with the promise of promoting hair manageability and shine.

I’m not sure I completely understand how it works, but when you run the comb through your hair, it really does smooth it out (and it doesn’t get stuck!), plus it makes it look a lot more “polished.” It’s not a magical wand that straightens out-of-control hair like a flat iron, nor does it make it look automatically “done,” but it does make it look a whole lot better. The test: I went to bed one night, let my hair air-dry (a formula that can be downright frightening) and the next morning I ran the comb through it and I had believable beach waves—minus the need to grab the scissors because the comb got stuck.

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