
These ‘Bad Botox’ Before and Afters Will Forever Have You Doing Your Homework When It Comes to Your Doctor

These ‘Bad Botox’ Before and Afters Will Forever Have You Doing Your Homework When It Comes to Your Doctor featured image
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**Update November 6, 2017: 

According to the BBC, Melin and his partner have been cleared of the fraud charges, but “Melin will face a re-trial over three charges of inflicting grievous bodily harm, which he denies.”

**Originally published November 2, 2017:

A UK court heard the stories of three women this week—all of whom are claiming they are victims of “bad Botox” and a “bogus surgeon,” according to the DailyMail.

Marcelle King, 62, Jozette Sheppard, 46, and Carol Kingscott, 57, all had varying, yet extreme, reactions to the injections (see photos here, here and here), which included life-threatening conditions. (King, in particular, went into anaphylactic shock.)

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According to The Daily Echo, after receiving the injection, Sheppard said she couldn’t move her face, eat, speak or smile for up to four months. “During the evening it was like my head was on fire, really burning. It started swelling by my eyebrows and I had to lie down because I couldn’t open my eyes. When I woke up and couldn’t open my eyes and I screamed.”

The “Botox” has now been pegged as beef gelatin—Allergan tested the vials and found them to be counterfeit—and the “doctor,” Ozan Melin is on trial for three counts of causing grievous bodily harm and three charges of fraud.

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