The Next Big Skin Care Ingredient to Watch Out For Now

The Next Big Skin Care Ingredient to Watch Out For Now featured image

Different than the coffee you drink, green coffee is extracted from raw, unroasted green coffee beans and is one of the most potent forms of natural antioxidants in the world. Its no wonder skin care companies are beginning to find ways to use it in their face and body products. This is one ingredient that’s you’ll be seeing lots more of very soon and here’s why.

“Green coffee beans contain a higher amount of chlorogenic acid, which is packed with powerful antioxidants that work to stop free radicals that damage your skin,” says Jacquelyn Foster Quattro, owner of Jersey Shore Cosmetics, a beauty company that uses the ingredient in its products. “The extract has been used in select beauty products for some time, though it hasn’t been widely known for this type of use until most recently. It’s bound to become more popular in the near future.”

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So what makes it so great? Quattro says green coffee extract can help stimulate and restore balance to tired skin. Think of it like a wakeup call for a dull complexion, especially after a long night. “And in body products, massaging it into skin deeply may help release excess fluid under the skin and improve circulation. The caffeine and chlorogenic acid in green coffee bean products has been known to tighten and tone skin temporarily, for the look of smooth, youthful skin,” adds Quattro.

You can also take green coffee extract in supplement form, which some experts say are good for burning fat faster than your body could on its own. “The same caffeine and chlorogenic acid in green coffee bean extract beauty products is also known to suppress the appetite, as well as increase metabolism, when used as a dietary supplement,” says Quattro. 

Brands like Clarins, Jersey Shore Cosmetics and cult-favorite Frank Body have already jumped on the green coffee skin care bandwagon, but this is just the beginning.

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