It’s time to take your lips into consideration when it comes to your anti-aging routine. Plump and pink lips are not just feminine and alluring—more importantly, they boast overall vitality and youth. And, if you’re wondering what other lip features you might want to preserve, here are here are the 6 traits of youthful looking lips:
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When you’re young, you produce more collagen and hyaluronic acid, which makes lips look plump. Your lips actually peak when you’re in your 20s (let’s make Angelina Jolie the lucky exception), and, as time goes on, they deflate, grow thin and dry out. Therefore, maintaining fullness is a must in fighting signs of aging.
Keeping your lips full is easier than you might think. Restylane® Silk is an injectable hyaluronic acid that acts like your body’s own naturally produced hyaluronic acid to help you regain fullness in the lips and surrounding areas for up to 6 months.
A youthful pout does not simply depend on the lips themselves, but rather, involves surrounding features. The cupid’s bow is the area right above the center of your lips, earning its name due to the arch/bow shape it creates. Youthful lips have a projected Cupid’s Bow that keeps the lips from sagging, giving them a more voluminous look.
Upturned Outer Corners
Because younger skin means naturally fuller and lifted skin, youthful-looking lips have slight upward curves in their outer corners. This little detail gives you a happier, brighter and more vibrant appearance. Bonus tip: to maintain these upturned corners as your skin becomes less firm, do some facial exercises to work the muscles that will continue to pull your lips up.
Ancient Greeks coined the term “phi” to signify the golden ratio, which equals approximately 1.618 and is said to be the most aesthetically pleasing ratio. Phi plays a role in your facial features and many consider having a lower lip roughly 1.6 times the size of the upper lip to be the most ideal shape.
Pinkish Color
Who said only cheeks could be rosy? Youthful lips also have a natural-looking pink hue, which is soft but still holds a healthy glow. So, as much as we love our dark lipsticks, bold lip colors are not the way to hide your age.
Defined Vermilion Border
The vermilion border separates the lip color from the rest of your skin. When you’re young, this edge is sharp and prevents fine lines from appearing around your lips. A youthful vermilion border also allows your lips to better stand out as the central feature of your lower face—it’s no wonder we love our lip liner so much.