
Is Rebounding the Best Beauty Workout Ever?

Is Rebounding the Best Beauty Workout Ever? featured image

Fitness fads always seem to share one thing: The promise of being easy, showing results faster than everything else out there and providing promises of crazy-lofty benefits everyone would want. But, like most fads, most of them fall pretty short, pretty fast, and fade out quickly. So we couldn’t help but ask, what is going on with the mini-rebounding trend? Jumping on a trampoline seems so simple—how can it really work?

According to celebrity aesthetician Nerida Joy, this is one fitness must-try that she’s seen have a direct positive effect on the skin—and the lymph system as a whole. “The mini rebounder trampoline is a great total wellness tool,” she says. “What makes it so special is its ability to stimulate the total lymphatic system, moving out toxins. Because of my interest and study in iridology (reading the iris) I am able to see lymphatic blockages surrounding the iris itself. These blockages can be changed with regular daily rebounding.”

So what does it take? According to Joy, you only need to do it for ten minutes, several times a day. “It also helps to improve spider veins, eyesight and it’s a great activity you can do without putting pressure on the joints.”

And you don’t need to leave your house to do it—or even be all that athletic. Brands like Needak and Bellicon offer portable trampolines that you can take pretty much anywhere. Bellicon even claims that rebounding is better exercise than running, and claims of additional beauty benefits like de-stressing, weight-loss and overall well-being.


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