
Madonna Proves Natural Skin Texture Is Beautiful in New Selfie

Madonna Proves Natural Skin Texture Is Beautiful in New Selfie featured image
Getty Images / Kevin Mazur

As a beauty magazine, our idea of news might differ from the traditional sense. Case in point: Madonna just took to her Instagram Story, mostly makeup-free, and the 66-year-old music icon looks nothing short of radiant.

The bare-faced selfie is a major departure from the bold makeup looks we typically associate with the “Material Girl” hitmaker. In the photo (which she captioned, “harsh sunlight of Monday,”) she swapped her signature dramatic eye makeup for a subtle touch of brown eyeliner on her upper lid. Her skin looks refreshingly real, with visible texture highlighted by the sunlight.

Madonna / Instagram Story

There’s something undeniably refreshing about seeing celebrities embrace their natural beauty. Leading the charge in this makeup-free revolution is Pamela Anderson, who has been attending red carpet events sans makeup, inspiring others to follow suit. Among them is Drew Barrymore.

“I really think you own this space. I think you’re the pioneer of what we’re certainly doing here today,” Barrymore told Anderson on an episode of The Drew Barrymore Show.

“Isn’t it freeing? Doesn’t it feel free? I feel free. I mean, it’s taken a while to; I’ve had my little, you know, journey with it, but we all are our own worst critics,” Anderson shared, before revealing what inspired her decision to embrace a makeup-free lifestyle. “I was at Paris Fashion Week and I decided [if] I was just going to a fashion show, I didn’t need to compete with anybody. Like, why am I wasting three hours in a makeup chair when I have these beautiful Vivian Westwood clothes on? And I didn’t realize anyone would even notice. So then, when people started coming up to me and talking about it, I thought, ‘Well, this is a great message.’ You know, to really peel it back and find out who I was again. I wanted to remember who I was.”

Feeling inspired by Madonna, Barrymore and Anderson? Us too. Someone pass the makeup remover.

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