
Bridget Moynahan on Turning 50, Her Tammy Fender Obsession and the Advice She’d Give to Her Younger Self

Bridget Moynahan on Turning 50, Her Tammy Fender Obsession and the Advice She’d Give to Her Younger Self featured image
Melanie Dunea

With a career that started when she entered the modeling industry right after high school to playing the series favorite of Erin on CBS’ Blue Bloods—now in its 11thseason—Bridget Moynahan has carved out a very solid resume in the pop-culture lexicon. On the cusp of her 50th birthday later this month, Moynahan recently chatted with us about the start of a new decade, her Tammy Fender obession and that age-old question: Is there any chance for a Big-and-Natasha reconciliation on Sex and the City?

How has this past year been different for you, especially in the way you film Blue Bloods?
It’s been totally different. CBS really took enormous precautions to get everyone back to set, but that pretty much means wearing a mask the whole time until they say “action.” The second we’re done, they get all the actors off, and then everyone does their work. It’s a little harder for us because there’s not as much of a connection—that verbal connection, that creative connection—that we’re so used to. We can’t spend that time sitting around chatting and connecting on a personal level in-between shots. We do feel a little bit more removed, but I think everyone on set is just so thankful that we’ve been able to go back to work and create something. A lot of productions didn’t make it back, so we feel fortunate in that way.

You started out modelling at a young age. Is there any advice you would give to your younger self?
There’s so much I wish I could tell my younger self! For starters, “Buy some property in New York City!”[laughs] Back then, not now. I think one of the things I could’ve done better at is trusting my gut a little more. Whether it was, “Yes, it’s OK, just take that job,” or, “Don’t take that job,” or, “Leave the party now.”

I’ve always had a real homebody mentality and, when you’re modeling, you’re away all the time. That was a challenge for me, because I always wanted to be home or, at the same time, I would make my home wherever I was. It came in handy, but I would also say it was a double-edge sword. I feel like if I could do it over, I would just embrace every single opportunity without worrying about that so much. Modeling was such a fun job, and it was during such a great time in the business. It was great to be part of it. I feel fortunate that I was able to do that.

You’ve had a steady career in the business. Are there any beauty products that you’ve used forever?
I grew up washing my face with Ivory soap and never using anything fancy. Now, I’m much more conscious of what I apply. There are so many great, more natural products now—things I would categorize as having less chemicals and really making an effort to be more natural. That’s what I try to stick with these days.

One line I love is Tammy Fender. It’s my religion. Tammy Fender literally changed the glow of my face—I love her. I want to go be her or be her assistant. Her products are amazing. I’ve also been really into the Jones Road products by Bobbi Brown—she came out with this new line and some of her products are just so yummy and delicious and feel so good on your face. Those are the ones I’m bouncing between right now.

You’ll be turning 50 soon. Is it something you think about?
I am really excited about turning 50. I feel great and I look great. I don’t know, I don’t seem very fazed by it at all. I’m just really excited for it to happen. Is that weird?

I think that’s awesome. We all know you were on Sex and the City, as Big’s wife, Natasha. Do people still ask you about that role?
They do! There’s the conversation that Sex and the City is coming back, so people are talking about it a lot right now—they’re mainly wondering what it will be and who is going to be in it and people do ask if Natasha is coming back. I don’t really know. I haven’t heard anything about that. It’s definitely that show that just keeps giving; everyone gets re-excited every couple of years by it because something new comes out with it. For me, that’s a gift that keeps giving. It’s always nice to go back and have the energy around that show, which really was one of the first projects I did. It really was the jump-start of my career. I’ve always felt really great about that.

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