
Why the Beauty Industry Is Flocking to Clubhouse in Droves Right Now

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If you’re not on Clubhouse yet, you’re late to the party—the daily beauty party. The hottest app to load on our iPhones (it’s iPhone only at the moment, but Clubhouse promises to release an Android-friendly version) is dominating our nights and weekends with clubs, rooms and conversations that allow you to instantly chat and interact with like-minded users. Ironically, the industry that is driven by everything aesthetics has officially landed, sans makeup, on the podcast-like LinkedIn meets Twitter app to discuss every trending beauty topic under the sun.

“I’m absolutely loving the platform,” says brand founder Indie Lee. “It’s allowed me to meet other creators, founders and leaders who I may not have found otherwise. The live nature of the platform keeps the content so dynamic. It’s also impacting my sleep since there are so many great rooms going on at night, I have to stay up!” 


For Gloss Angeles co-host Kirbie Johnson, the app’s ease of use is a huge draw. “I co-host a beauty podcast, so audio mediums are a passion of mine. I find that getting on Clubhouse is so much easier than getting on something like Instagram Live because there’s no pressure to get yourself put together or even be 100 percent focused on the conversation if you’re a listener. If you need to send emails but want to listen to the conversation, you can do that. It’s been a great platform for growth on other social mediums as well—by hosting rooms, I’ve gotten more followers on Instagram and Twitter and I’ve also made some incredible industry connections that are proving to be fruitful for my other projects.”

Instant Engagement

“People are desperate for connection and they are desperate for good, old fashioned conversation,” says Lola Guzman, founder of The Hermes Hippie. “Twitter hot takes and Instagram captions are all well and good, but the ability to engage in meaningful discussion is invaluable. What’s truly exciting about Clubhouse is the way it allows for an actual exchange within the framework of a more traditional panel. So, technically, one has the ability to ask Elon Musk business questions—although the likelihood of that particular exchange isn’t too big.”

Skin-care blogger Ian Michael Crumm adds that for him, the app has replaced the many face-to-face industry events that have been postponed in the last year. “Before the pandemic I was accustomed to attending events and going out with friends regularly. Clubhouse has provided a way to connect with people in a convenient networking setting. I like to think of it as a hybrid between a professional conference mixed with the social media capacities of LinkedIn that’s broadcasted similar to a podcast.”

Information Station

Brand founders like Josh Rosebrook and Jordan Samuel Pacitti of Jordan Samuel Skin say the draw for them is the exchange of information between brands, consumers and the media. “It is definitely an extension of our business and skin-care philosophy, which has a spotlight on education,” says Pacitti. 

“On Clubhouse, I am able to surround myself with industry professionals on all levels,” adds Rosebrook. “The sharing of information and exchange of ideas is the core of what the app achieves. We are not bound by algorithms and real-time speaking to each other allows people to show more of who they really are, make connections and it really drives passionate ideas and community.”

Celebrity aesthetician Renée Rouleau says it’s become a new way to continue to offer her expertise to skin-care enthusiasts, but with an extended reach. “I have that same mindset that I did when I started my blog as I do when I go onto a panel in Clubhouse. How can I best serve others? Of course, it’s also great brand exposure, it does result in sales and followers, but I do it because I love to be of value to others.” 

Clubhouse Credibility

Johnson says she believes Clubhouse’s rise in popularity is also due to a recent shift toward more transparency: “We’ve seen this switch from the ‘pretty’ Instagram feeds to people wanting education and raw authenticity, especially in the beauty realm. Clubhouse is all about audio, so if you’re not sharing useful morsels of information, you’re not going to thrive. You could be sharing expert tips or giving your POV on a current event, but you better make it interesting.”

While connections made on the app can create limitless opportunities, when it comes to trusting information, cosmetic chemist Ginger King says always consider the source. “It’s a way of building authority and showcasing to the world what you know. I have even gotten clients from Clubhouse. I purposely said authority rather than credibility because there’s a lot of noise and you have to trust your gut to listen to who is talking. The person who talks the loudest or the longest may not be the one who is the most credible.”

Rooms to Roam

Once you get your invite, to rub elbows with beauty’s best, join clubs like Black Beauty Club, The Skin Enthusiast, Beauty & Lifestyle, the Beauty Room, The Cosmetic Lane and the Beauty Lounge. “My club is called Beautyhouse,” says Rosebrook. “It’s about beauty and aging well—we have a number of incredible moderators in the room contributing to the amazing discourse.” King says her favorite rooms are found on The Skin Enthusiast, The Beauty Club, and BeautyPreneur clubs.

Looking Forward

BeautyStat Cosmetics founder Ron Robinson, who calls the app “social media 3.0,” has spent a lot of time in Clubhouse rooms in the last month and can see the long-term growth potential. New users that have recently flooded the app are still getting acquainted with the ins and outs, but eventually he believes people will pay to be in the right room at the right time. “Brands are already looking to start sponsored rooms and grow a community on the platform,” he explains. “Currently the app is not monetizing, but I think they will begin monetizing soon via these sponsored rooms. Rooms are going to become ticketed events.” 

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