Whether you’re an avid Shark Tank watcher or not, Barbara Corcoran is undoubtedly a face that comes to mind when you think of powerful businesswomen. Having founded her own real estate brokerage, selling it for $66 million and becoming a staple Shark on the hit television show, it’s safe to say Corcoran has made her mark on the business world. What keeps the star looking so good? In a recent Instagram post, she revealed that facelifts have lended a helping hand along the way.

This past weekend, Corcoran posted an Instagram photo showcasing two side-by-side images—one from season one of Shark Tank and one from season 14. Despite the photos being taken 14 years apart, Corcoran’s radiant complexion looks to have barely changed. Providing some context for the shocking before and after, the now 74-year-old captioned the photo “two facelifts and 100+ deals later.”
Though we’ve all seen social media images of facelift before and afters that are less than perfect, Corcoran’s ageless complexion is proof of what a solid procedure can do.