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Recently, Miami dermatologist S. Manjula Jegasothy, MD, has been seeing patients coming in for one “big” request.
“It’s just like large breasts were very trendy 10 years ago, large, round buttocks are very popular in celebrity culture right now. It might have something to do with the ‘first family of reality TV.’”
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The same trend is taking hold in the office of Las Vegas plastic surgeon Christopher Khorsandi, MD, and it’s showing no signs of slowing.
“The aesthetics of the buttocks have come into sharp focus in both the social environment and in the plastic surgeon’s office,” he says. “Images of ideal derrieres abound on the Internet, while the phone rings off the hook with inquiries about Brazilian Butt Lifts in our offices. The root cause of this rapidly increasing trend toward gluteal aesthetics can be debated at length—part biological drive, part cultural mixing, part yoga pants.”
While their scope of practice differs, both doctors agree: The technology for getting the look just keeps improving.
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“For years I have been using Thermage [the device uses radio-frequency energy to strengthen collagen in the skin] to tighten and tone the buttocks,” Dr. Khorsandi says. “The idea of radio-frequency skin tightening is nothing new, but now there are a number of ways to deliver the energy to contract the collagen and stimulate new collagen.”
While Dr. Khorsandi will be the first to stress that radio-frequency treatments are nowhere near as drastic as surgery, he does say, “The incremental improvement can be enough to boost a patient’s confidence and satisfaction with the shape of their bodies. Bottom line: It works and different patients require different approaches.”
In terms of rejuvenation and lifting with volume, he’s also been working in the last year with large-volume Sculptra Aesthetic, used off-label, to plump the buttocks. “These aren’t your backroom motel-type of fillers, these are the same type of fillers used in plumping the face. So it stands to reason, if it works on your cheeks, shouldn’t it also work on your butt cheeks?”
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“The results thus far have been encouraging. Starting with an average of 20 vials (10 per side), we have seen patients with meaningful increases in size, without the need for surgery. Combining this with radio frequency, we think we’re onto something big. While a Brazilian Butt Lift may require one to two weeks of down time and several weeks of garment compression, and careful sitting, ‘Sculptra butt lifts’ require almost zero downtime, zero time off work and zero time off from the gym.”
While Dr. Jegasothy also points out the results of the noninvasive procedures are less dramatic than surgery, she has had success using Ultherapy. “It works by targeting ultrasound waves to the deep portion of the muscle and subcutaneous fat to tighten or lift the area the operator wants to go. It delivers this energy deep into the tissue, bypassing the skin, so there is usually no downtime, and some of the lifting result can occur even immediately.”
“Noninvasive butt lift options can provide nice, safe, no-recovery alternatives to more expensive surgical procedures,” she adds. “These are excellent options for people who do not want surgery or simply do not have enough fat elsewhere on their body to add to the buttocks.”
“Plus, the technologies are evolving extremely rapidly currently. If the profile of any given procedure is not in keeping with your preferences now, check back!”