Well, well, well. This is certainly a far cry from the solemn dock days of high school. The former Dawson’s Creek star, Michelle Williams, is the new face of Louis Vuitton’s autumn/winter 2014 campaign and looks to be proving one thing—the girl next door is now a woman, and a stunning one at that.
With Bordeaux-stained lips and the fiercest pixie cut the star’s sported to date, the look captured by famed photographer Peter Lindbergh is so artfully crafted that it makes focusing on the bag difficult.
Sam McKnight styled her bleached blond crop into a messy, windswept look and makeup artist Stéphane Marais made her alabaster skin look like porcelain with a smoky eye, dark eyebrows and a bold lip. All together, this grunge façade is a modern twist on the leather-clad days of the 90s.
Want to copy the look? Start with the brows. Brush them into shape and use a brow powder to fill them in. While Marais went super dark with William’s brows, this likely looks better on a shoot than in real life. Unless you are modeling, stick to a color that’s only one shade darker than your hair color.
For the eye, Marais chose a very subtly smoky look with a gray eyeshadow, but you can experiment with this style using any neutral shade. Try BareMinerals READY 8.0 Power Neutrals ($40) eye shadow palette, which has eight amped-up neutral shades to chose from. Finally, for the lips, look for a matte wine shade. Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick in Shame ($22) is perfect for this.