
I’ve Worked at Kiehl’s for 27 Years and These Are My Favorite Products

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I’ve Worked at Kiehl’s for 27 Years and These Are My Favorite Products featured image
Courtesy of Kiehl’s

As a Skin Pro at Kiehl’s flagship for an impressive 27 years, Barbara Delfino loves her community—so much so that customers are known to just stop by the store and chat. Even with the much-buzzed-about Amazon store unveiling, the original Kiehl’s brick-and-mortar (known as the apothecary that opened in 1851) is still situated at the same spot at the corner of 13th Street and Third Avenue in New York—skeleton and all—and Delfino is proud to be part of the storied history, service and really solid products. “I love the spirit of community we cultivate here,” she shares. “It is a special place.”


“I started at Kiehl’s when it was privately owned by Jami Morse Heidegger, the granddaughter of Irving Morse, who was apprentice to our founder, John Kiehl. I was introduced to Kiehl’s when I was a hairstylist—my co-worker at the time suggested that I try the Crème with Silk Groom. That was my first introduction to Kiehl’s! I truly enjoy assisting customers that have been shopping with me since I started with Kiehl’s who come to refill on their favorites and check out what’s new (and sometimes just to catch up!) They know me by name, and I know theirs as well.”

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