
The 5 Hottest Summer Fitness Trends

The 5 Hottest Summer Fitness Trends featured image
Fitness Trends 2015

Nothing inspires us to hit the gym quite like bikini season, but sometimes our go-to treadmill routine fails to hold our fitness attention. We’ve rounded up this summer’s hottest fitness trends that not only get us excited and inspired to get fit, but also provide a second-to-none, fat-blasting workout.

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Treadmill Classes

Treadmill-only studios are starting to pick up the pace around the country, boasting controlled environments and workouts geared toward all runners, regardless of pace or level. Mile High Run Club, New York City’s first boutique treadmill studio, has classes fit for every level, from the beginner-friendly 45-minute “Dash 28” to the advanced 60-minute “The Distance” for runners who prefer a more challenging run. Founder and program director Deborah Warner started the Club “to provide a motivating, fun training experience where beginning and competitive runners could train side by side with expert coaching, programs and instruction on running form.” $34 per class, milehighrunclub.com

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Indoor Spinning

From candlelit studios and one-of-a-kind playlists to instructors that make the experience seem like more of an event than a workout, group indoor cycling workouts are a must-try. A cult classic, there are more than 45 Soul Cycle studios nationwide that deliver fat-burning, full-body workouts to help transform the way you look and feel. Another admired studio that has garnered an impressive following, Flywheel is known to host several “Challenge” series throughout the year. Sign us up! Prices vary by location; soul-cycle.comflywheelsports.com

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Boutique Boxing 

With boxing gaining traction within the realm of celebrities and models, it’s no surprise that boutique-boxing studios are popping up around the country. SHADOWBOX, a boutique fitness boxing studio located in New York City, provides a full-body workout that incorporates body weight exercises with high-intensity rounds of shadowboxing and heavy bag work (an average of 1000-plus calories are burned in a 45-minute class). The space boasts a 40-person heavy bag studio for group classes, which you book just like your spin bike, and a vintage boxing ring for one-on-one training. $34 per group class; $55 per semi-private class; shadowboxnyc.com

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Stationary Surfing

The ability to get away from a traditional, static workout is only half of the appeal of stationary surfing. SURFSET is a fitness class designed atop a stationary surfboard in order to engage your core and stabilizer muscles that are used while surfing actual waves. The board delivers a mix of strength training and cardio in order to build lean muscle and burn fat without bulking up. SURFSET classes are 45 minutes long and draw from actual surfing movements in order to create workouts that build balance, core strength, stability, agility, lean muscle and coordination while burning between 400-900 calories per class. Prices vary by location, surfsetfitness.com

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Boutique High-Intensity Training Classes 

Although High Intensity Interval Training has lately been at the forefront of fitness trends, incorporating it into a small group environment has given it even more popularity. Kari Saitowitz, founder of The Fhitting Room, a New York-based High Intensity Training boutique studio, says that High-Intensity Training in small class environments “brings together the best elements of group fitness and a personal training session. You will get all the energy, motivation and community of an awesome group exercise class, as well as the personal attention and education of a great personal training session. $35 per class, fhittingroom.com

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