
8 Volumizing Products That Boost Thin Hair


No matter the texture, length or hue of our hair, these easy solutions deliver strand-plumping power both now and later. 

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Heat-activated polymers found in picture-perfect IGK Next Level ($20) plump strands fast with help from a blow-dryer.

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Kevin Murphy Session Spray Flex ($40) is part hairspray, part memory mist that works to keep any style from falling flat.

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Whether used on dry or wet hair, fatboy Tacky Oil ($32) adds grit and volume to thin hair while protecting it from pollution and heat. 

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Ideal for those with a genetic predisposition to thinning, évolis Professional Prevent Activator ($65) preserves strands from shriveling.

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Working its magic overnight, HairMax ACCELER8 Hair Booster + Nutrients ($35) is a leave-in brimming with top-of-the-line actives.

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All-natural Collective Laboratories Activating Serum ($39) reinvigorates the scalp and boosts blood flow to follicles.

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Living Proof Full Hair Supplement ($60) is clinically proven to extend the active growth cycle in 90 days.

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New from Nutrafol, Core for Women Plus ($88) balances critical hormones before, during and post menopause to keep hair growth on track. 

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