
This Woman Completely Cleared Up Her Blackheads Using Only 2 Products

This Woman Completely Cleared Up Her Blackheads Using Only 2 Products featured image

Known to crop up on the chin and nose, unsightly blackheads, which look like small dark spots, are almost impossible to remove. While it’s always best to have any type of blemish—be it a blackhead, whitehead, pimple or something else—professionally extracted, one woman’s Reddit post is going viral with her DIY technique. And if the before-and-after photos are worth anything, the proof is in the pudding that this works.

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Blackheads, which are a mix of oil and dead skin cells that have been exposed to the air, hence their dark color, tend to respond to anti-acne ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and exfoliating agents which can lift the contents of the clogged pore out of the pore. Reddit user yoofka shared her blackhead-removing method, which includes using a mix of Neogen BioPeel Gauze Peeling Green Tea Pads ($27), which exfoliate the skin; the retinoid-based Differin ($29), which is notorious for loosening dirt and oil and limiting oil production, too and Aquaphor ($11).

We can’t believe how clean and clear her skin looks. It’s a simple regimen anyone can do. 

[B&A] The difference one month makes: blackheads from SkincareAddiction

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