
The 5 Best Exercises For a Flatter Stomach

The 5 Best Exercises For a Flatter Stomach featured image

Are you killing yourself at the gym day after day trying to get a flat, lean stomach to no avail? The exercises you’re doing may be keeping you from achieving your goal. We checked in with celebrity trainer Jackie Warner to get the best exercises for a flatter stomach. “These get you out of the traditional crunch to get a full core workout for the most killer flat abs,” says Warner, who notes that they should be done in this order, as the last move should take you all the way to muscle failure.

Reverse Crunches
Work your full core all at once by moving your upper and lower body simultaneously. Warner says, “Lay on the floor, hands behind your head and knees bent at a 90-degree angle with your feet on the floor. Crunch up bringing your elbows to your knees, lower your shoulders back to the ground, tap your feet back to the ground and repeat.”

Jack Knives
“Lay flat on the ground with your hands straight out behind you over your head with legs straight in front of you. Bring your upper and lower body together at the same time by touching your hands to your toes in a closing motion, keeping legs straight. Go back to the starting position lying on the floor,” says Warner. 

The Clam
If you think the name is silly, wait until you see yourself in this position. Warner recommends, “Placing your hands behind your head with the flats of your feet pressed together, knees open. Bring elbows in, touching your knees into a crunch, and lower your legs back down to the ground, pressing feet together the entire time.”

It’s just like riding a bike…well not exactly. “Lay on your back with your hands behind your head and legs out straight. Alternate sides by touching your elbow to your opposite knee, while keeping your other leg straight,” suggests Warner.

Knee To Elbow Touch
Warner has definitely saved the best—or one could argue the worst—for last. Warner says, “Start in a plank position and bring your opposite knee diagonally in toward your opposite elbow, and then go back to the plank position and repeat on the other side.”

Keep up the good work and a flatter stomach will be yours in no time!

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