Are Hidden Germs Affecting Your Skin?

Are Hidden Germs Affecting Your Skin? featured image
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Clear and healthy skin requires effort and we all go down different routes to achieve it. But are you doing all that you can do to keep your skin glowing? You might think so but hidden germs you encounter throughout your day could be causing a roadblock. “You can take precautions to protect your skin against the elements but invisible germs do a great deal of damage, too,” says Mt. Kisco, NY, dermatologist David E. Bank, MD.

Don’t Pick Or Break Open Pimples
It may seem like a no brainer, but picking at your skin can be more harmful than you realize. “Opening up pimples not only channels the infected cells deeper into the skin, but also exposes them to bacteria and germs. This results in swelling and – even worse – permanent scarring,” explains Dr. Bank.

Be Wary Of Dirty Phones and Other Objects
“Research out of the United Kingdom found mobile phones are a technological petri dish for tens of thousands of germs,” says Dr. Bank. “Because of the proximity to the mouth, phones tend to pick up more germs than anything else; between that and the transference of germs from your hands, the best way to ensure that you don’t pick up anything that can affect your skin from your phone or anyone else’s, is to wipe it down with an antibacterial cloth before each use.”

Clean Glasses and Sunglasses Often
Just like phones, you’d be amazed at how much bacteria amasses on glasses and sunglasses – especially if you wear them every day in the sun when your pores are open with sweat. “Besides exposing your skin to more dirt and grime that could cause pimples and outbreaks, contagious illnesses such as conjunctivitis or other eye infections can easily be spread by touching eyeglasses with unwashed hands,” says Dr. Bank. Taking a few minutes to wash glasses with soap and water or wipe them down every few days will help you and your skin in the long run.

Clean Makeup Supplies Regularly
“Your makeup products are virtual reservoirs for bacteria,” exclaims Dr. Bank. “Sponges and applicators pick up every piece of dirt you have on your face when you apply them and then build up in mounds that are swiped on the face again and again as you use them.”  Dr. Bank suggests cleaning sponges with antibacterial soap and warm water after each use and replacing makeup with new products every few months to ensure all tools are clean. 

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