It’s a given that a good plastic surgeon or dermatologist will dispel any lingering misconceptions you have about injectables once you’re in the office. However, there are a few things you should know before you even set foot inside the building.
Be realistic about what fillers can accomplish.
“Don’t expect fillers and injectables like Botox to replace surgery,” says Orlando, FL, plastic surgeon, Richard Arabitg, MD. “You may get some improvement from that, but you’re probably going to need surgery down the line.” People who continue to use fillers exclusively, when they may need surgery, are often the ones who end up looking over injected and distorted.
The current state of your skin counts.
“The skin should be in good condition,” says Smithtown, NY, dermatologist Marina Peredo, MD. “If patients have bad eczema or severe acne, the injectable treatment may not be ideal.”
If you think you can stop by for a quick fix, think again.
“If the patient has an important event, they need to know that they can get bruised from these procedures,” says Beverly Hills, CA, facial plastic surgeon, Babak Azizzadeh, MD. “Even though the risk of bruising is pretty low, don’t take a chance. Don’t do the injections the day before or the day of a special event.” Taking arnica before and during the day of treatment also helps minimize bruising, he adds.
In the weeks prior to getting fillers, watch what you consume.
“It is best to avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and all other NSAIDS for two weeks prior to the procedure,” says Scottsdale, AZ, facial plastic surgeon Kelly Bomer, MD. “It is helpful to eat a lot of leafy greens and celery prior to the appointment, as it will increase the levels of vitamin K,” a known bruise preventer/reducer.