
4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Daily Energy

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After speaking to a handful of friends about what I like to call “stay-at-home sleepiness,” it’s safe to say that being inside most of the day makes us more tired. But the constant laziness isn’t going to cut it as home offices start defining the new normal, so we need to find ways to boost our productivity (without relying on multiple cups of coffee per day). Here, four expert-approved lifestyle tweaks to amp-up your daily energy.

Sleep Tight
It might seem obvious that getting a good night’s sleep can help with next-day fatigue, but there’s a few essential tips and tricks that can help amplify the effectiveness of your beauty sleep. “Good quality sleep is the most important step to support daily energy,” says nutritionist Brooke Alpert. “I recommend turning off your devices an hour before bedtime (if you must be on your screen, try blue light–blocking glasses) and finishing a meal or a snack close to two hours before bedtime. This will allow your body to have finished the main work of digesting so it can focus on sleep.”

Holistic health practitioner Dr. Shari Auth recommends going to bed early and sleeping without an alarm a couple of times a week to make sure your body is getting the essential rest it needs. Also, “If you are sleep deprived, don’t tax your body with hard workouts! It’s best to do restorative workouts like gentle yoga,” she says. 

Diet Focus
Common energy hacks like coffee or sugar might cut it for a few hours, “but they drop you down lower than you started,” says Dr. Auth. If you must have coffee, Alpert recommends cutting off your intake at 2 p.m. so your jitters don’t extend into the night.

The real liquid we should be consuming most to boost energy is water. “A simple way to maintain energy is by making sure you are hydrated,” says Alpert. “But increase your water intake slowly so you don’t get stuck in the bathroom all day.”

You should also be nourishing your body with energizing foods filled with protein, fat and fiber. “These are great for managing and stabilizing your blood sugar levels,” adds Alpert.

Supplement Service
There are a few wonder ingredients that, when taken daily, can replace coffee cravings and improve daily energy. “There are many herbs that work great for increasing endurance and stamina. My favorites are schisandra berry and rhodiola, which can be found in my favorite organic energy blend called Fully Charged ($45),” says Dr. Auth. “This blend of Chinese herbs increases circulation and nourishes the body, which gives you a morning burst of energy without the caffeine crash.”

CBD is also great for calming any coffee-induced jitters. “Adding a scoop of the Daily Habit CBD Powder ($69) to your daily caffeine drink helps to make the caffeine increase your focus and productivity without sending your hormones into overdrive,” says Alpert. “You can also add the powder into an herbal tea to help you unwind before bed.”

Homeopathic Route
“The key to restoring energy levels starts with finding ways to manage daily stress and anxiety, to allow your body and mind to relax and recharge,” says Dr. Auth. “Acupuncture increases circulation, which helps calm the nervous system and give us that extra pep in our step.”

It can also help to improve sleep so we feel less tired the next day. “Acupuncture interacts with our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex axis (HPA A) to relieve excessive excitation to the HPA A and decrease the many negative stress responses on the body, giving your adrenals a chance to heal,” she adds.

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