How Many Hours of Beauty Sleep Do You Really Need?

How Many Hours of Beauty Sleep Do You Really Need? featured image

It’s referred to as “beauty sleep” for a reason. We all know that it’s hard to function at your best when you don’t get enough sleep, but what effects can it have on the body? And how many hours do you really need? We consulted with Dr. Rebecca Robbins, sleep expert for The Benjamin Hotel in New York, to answer all of our sleep-related questions.

The Magic Number
Dr. Robbins says, “Adults need between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. There are individual differences within this range, although for the most part, the percentage of the population that truly needs less than seven hours is quite small.” While the thought of getting more sleep probably appeals to most people, Dr. Robbins adds that growing evidence shows that consistently getting more than eight hours of sleep may have dangerous long-term effects such as a neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s.

Your Skin Pays The Price
A lack of sleep definitely takes a toll on your skin. “When you sleep, your skin repairs itself, so cutting your sleep short causes your blood vessels to dilate under your eyes. When this happens, dark circles form,” says Dr. Robbins. Getting enough sleep can have a dramatic effect on how you look, and can even cut down on your morning prep time.

Naps. Need We Say More?
You know that you have to get the recommended amount of sleep each night, but if you’re still tired, what about napping? “Naps are fabulous! They can actually be part of a well-rested person’s sleep schedule,” says Dr. Robbins. Just be sure to set an alarm so you don’t oversleep. “Just 20 minutes will allow you to get the rest you need without entering REM sleep (the stage of sleep where the majority of dreams occur), which will cause you to wake up groggy.”

Get The Best Beauty Sleep Possible.
Is getting to sleep easier said then done? Here are some quick tips to help you get the rest you need.

–Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual.

–Take a warm shower before bed.

–Try relaxing or mediation exercises.

–Turn your cell phone to airplane mode.

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