I Got Dysport and It Totally Changed My Eyebrows

I Got Dysport and It Totally Changed My Eyebrows featured image

I’ve been getting Botox Cosmetic injections between my eyebrows for as long as I’ve been employed by NewBeauty magazine, which is well over a decade (to give you an idea). And every time I get it done, I go to the same dermatologist who injects me in the same way—a little between the brows, some at the crow’s-feet and a bit in my forehead.

But on my last visit to see West Palm Beach, FL, dermatologist Kenneth Beer, MD, we decided to give Dysport a whirl. And I’m glad we did.

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Every time I get injected with Botox near my brows, I tend to end up with a pretty prominent arch, which I’ve never really minded and always kind of liked. My brow specialist usually plays it up so that my brows have a nice shape to them, which I constantly get complimented on.

Yet this time around, once the product kicked in, I noticed something totally different. While all the wrinkles and lines were gone in a few days, the arch of my brows sat a bit lower than normal. Instead of Angelina Jolie brows, I had ones that looked a little flatter, like Jessica Alba’s. While no one else could see what I was talking about (with the exception of the girl who shapes my brows), my brows instantly became easier to groom and a lot less filling was required.

I asked Dr. Beer just what had happened and this is what he had to say: “Dysport is a little different than Botox in how it spreads and for some people it can be a more subtle treatment. So, the combination of using that product and injecting it a little above the eyebrows flattened them slightly. I compare the neuromodulator products to Coke and Pepsi—neither is better than the other but people have their individual responses to each so I recommend trying all of them. When I want to flatten out an arch, I will inject a little bit of product in the lower forehead. This looks great on those with good eyelids but it isn’t the most flattering look for someone who have loose skin on the eyelids and/or low eyebrows. The procedure always should be tailored to your face and preference. If you want to achieve a particular look, tell your doctor what it is that you are going for so that he or she can accommodate you provided that you are getting injected from someone who really knows what they are doing.”

While I like my new brows, I won’t be sad if I can’t keep them. High arch or low arch, they look good no matter what! 

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