The Angelina Jolie Look-Alike Who’s Taking the Internet by Storm

The Angelina Jolie Look-Alike Who’s Taking the Internet by Storm featured image

Angelina Jolie has it all: beautiful lips, porcelain skin, to-die-for blue eyes, silky strands of hair and the most perfect nose. She’s perfect and gorgeous and we would kill to look like her, even if it was just for one day.

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“Angelina Jolie is known for her lips, beautifully tapered wide eyes and high cheekbones,” says Beverly Hills, CA, plastic surgeon Ritu Chopra, MD. “This model has all those characteristics, which combined with her hair and eye color, make her a spitting image.” 

But, Tiegen isn’t the only model to ever be called an Angelina look-alike. About a year ago, two other models, Veronica Black and Chelsea Marr were said to be dead ringers, too. While they may look like Jolie, there’s still nothing like the real thing.


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