6 Things to Know Before Making A Drastic Hair Color Change

6 Things to Know Before Making A Drastic Hair Color Change featured image

The decision to transform your hair color can be a daunting one, especially if it’s a drastic change like blond to black. However, the payoff can be big if it’s done the right way. We got the scoop from celebrity hair colorist Barbara Farnworth on the most important things to consider before making the change.

Plan ahead.
When making your appointment, be sure to mention that you are coming in for “color correction,” even if you’re not “correcting,” due to the vast change. It can take all day in some cases, so be sure to let the salon know which service you are booking so that adequate time is allocated. 

Prep your hair at home.
All hair color has to be removed with a lightening agent. Farnworth preps her client’s hair the day of, or a few days before, with a good hair treatment (moisture is critical!). The client should also do some pre–color change care at home by using sulfate-free shampoo, a quality conditioner, a moisture mask and a leave-in-conditioner.

If you’re going dark to light…
This is a tricky process. Plan for a whole day and have a realistic expectation of the end result, as it may not be achieved on the first go (but never say never!). Visuals are a great tool for a stylist, too, as everyone sees color differently. Explanations of color can differ due to interpretation, so bringing a picture of what you are hoping to achieve is a must.

If you’re going light to dark…
When going light to dark, the desired results are far more achievable the first time. It is the easiest of the color changes and one that requires very little prep and salon time. 

Research your stylist.
Certain color changes, such as the removal of a red hue and color change to a blond shade, are more difficult and should be handled by a true color expert. In this case, the red pigment is very stubborn (it wants to stay in the hair), and if handled poorly, the hair can turn pink, or very brassy. It’s important to research your stylist beforehand.

Schedule a post–color change appointment.
I recommend scheduling another appointment approximately three to four weeks after your color change for a deep-conditioning treatment and a clear shiny gloss. This will ensure that your new color remains vibrant and healthy-looking.

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