I Tried Doll 10’s Best-Selling Mascara and Lipstick, and They Are Really Good

I Tried Doll 10’s Best-Selling Mascara and Lipstick, and They Are Really Good featured image

Over the years I’ve been introduced to many Doll 10 products via makeup artists and new launches that come across my desk before they hit the market. I’ve been a big fan of the brand’s Lash Remedy Mascara (our 2022 NewBeauty Award Winner) and the T.C.E Concealer—it truly covers everything—but I’ve recently discovered two new favorites that had somehow escaped me over the years: Effortlash XL Lash Expanding Mascara and Lip Genius Lipstick. These are my honest thoughts on both of Doll 10’s best-selling, next-generation formulas.

The Benefits:

Mascara and lip color are essential products in my daily routine, so I’ve tried hundreds during my time as a beauty editor. First let’s start with the Effortlash XL mascara. The formula is a rich, black gel that’s infused with vitamin B, biotin and castor oil, and it’s the ultimate multitasker. The custom-designed brush contains more than 400 tiny bristles that combine to deliver six instant benefits: volume, length, curl, conditioning, style, and separation. Typically mascaras focus on lengthening or volumizing, etc., but this one truly does it all, while also strengthening lashes over time.

The gel is super glossy—hyaluronic filling spheres help it glide on so well—but it doesn’t clump on my lashes or irritate my eyes, which can be sensitive. It also doesn’t flake, and it doesn’t take endless scrubbing to remove it either, which I appreciate. In the brand’s testing, 96 percent of users said the mascara dramatically increased the volume of their lashes immediately after application, and also noted that it was better than false lashes. All of the testers agreed it instantly gave their lashes curl and lift. After 12 hours of wear, 100 percent of users said it lasted the whole time; 93 percent said it didn’t smudge or transfer after application; and 96 percent said it didn’t flake or crumble.

Moving on to the Lip Genius Lipstick. Nowadays, it’s rare for me to use a bullet lipstick that isn’t hydrating. My lips are always dry and I love the way a hydrating formula feels throughout the day. This one is produced in small batches with a low-heat production process that helps preserve the blend of nourishing, nutrient-rich ingredients. It feels super creamy, it infuses moisture into the lips using the brand’s dermal swelling technology, and it’s long-wearing. Plus, I love the shade range, which is romantic pinks and everyday neutrals that flatter all skin tones. My favorite shade so far personally is Best in Show—it gives me that “your lips but better” look.

Key Ingredients:

Effortlash XL Mascara: Biotin, vitamin B, castor oil

Lip Genius Lipstick: Mango butter, aloe vera extract, avocado oil

How to Use Them:

Effortlash XL Mascara: Start at the base of your lashes and position the wand horizontally. Wiggle the wand from side to side and base to tip to coat lashes evenly for major volume. I also wiggle the brush through my bottom lashes. FYI, it’s not water-resistant, in case that’s what you need in your routine.

Lip Genius Lipstick: Apply whenever you want full-coverage color, and the bonus is that it treats and protects your lips as you wear it.

Price/Where to Buy:

Mascara: $24, doll10.com

Lipstick: $24, doll10.com

(You can also try them yourself if you’re one of the lucky ones to snag this week’s BeautyPass Free Gift Friday. Click here to sign up for BeautyPass if you haven’t already.)

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