Brooke Burke on Being a Biohacking Geek, Taking on the Big 5-0 and the Best Things That Come With Age

Brooke Burke on Being a Biohacking Geek, Taking on the Big 5-0 and the Best Things That Come With Age featured image
Kristen Brady

Don’t try to B.S. Brooke Burke when it comes to what works. “One of the good things about getting older is that I have a better understanding of how to care for my body,” the 49-year-old actress, mother, entrepreneur, television personality and former model says. “I know how to weave through all the marketing, all the hype and all the things that are out there—and I know what works for me.” On that it-works list: The Tru Niagen supplement, which Burke is now a spokesperson for, lots of water and her personal favorites of intermittent fasting, some fresh air and “shifting out of fear.”

Why this partnership?
Authentically, I use it, and I’ve been using it for years every day. They have new powder packets now as well, so I use that in my shakes. I’m a biohacking bit of a geek, if you will, and I’m always looking for the best ways to promote optimal living and anti-aging. What I love about Tru Niagen, and not to get too out there with the tech side, but it helps promote increased levels of NAD—which, we’re born with, and then, when you turn 40, you start producing less and less of it. This is one supplement that has so many benefits, and it does all kinds of things on the cellular level. For me, and for what I do in my life, I need energy, I want to take care of my body, and I want to combat stress and a whole lot of other things. There are so many products out there, there are so many choices, there are so many things. I just tell people, ‘If you’re going to take one supplement, I think this is a great one, especially at my age.’ I love it. I feel really good at this stage in my life, and this is one thing that I believe helps.

Do you have any other holy grail products you’ve used forever that you swear by?
I don’t do a lot of different things. I really try to heal my body with healthy and mindful foods—the fresh, crunchy, colorful ones. As far as my skin goes, I never compromise or skimp on my skin-care routine, although I am always mixing it up because I like to change my routine, even for my shampoo and conditioner. I like really rich serums, I like my vitamin C, I use eye cream probably twice a day, and I’m a big fan of coconut oil—and I never go to bed without washing my face! I also drink a tremendous amount of water. Hydration, for me, is a key component to beautiful skin. Staying hydrated combats hunger and it keeps our skin hydrated. There’s so many obvious benefits that are out there when it comes to drinking water.

You’ll turn 50 this year. What’s your mindset about entering into another decade?
There’s definitely a lot of inner dialogue on what’s happening, mainly because I can’t believe I got here so quickly, to be honest! I still feel 40. I know it’s just a number, but I will say that I feel better now than I ever have before. Maybe it’s because I have a better understanding of how to care for my body. I know how to work out smarter, I know how to be more efficient with my time. From a nutritional standpoint, I’m very into intermittent fasting now. It’s really simple, I’m never hungry, and I’m not afraid of putting good fats into my body, which I know are better for my mind, my hair, my skin. It helps create more energy and I actually spend less time working out, and I get better results because I know how to body-sculpt naturally. [Burke also runs the workout app, Brooke Burke Body.] There’s just so many good things that come with experience and age.

But I feel really good right now. I’m going to say this delicately: I think I’ve learned so much with the slower pace during this health crisis. There’s been a bit of a consciousness that has changed my family and me; it’s changed the way that I work and the way I connect. There’s a new level of mindfulness that is a little bit more apparent than before. There’s been a lot of good things that have happened during the last year and a half—a lot of relearning, a lot of shifting, a lot of challenges. I think challenges create positive movement, I really do.

Is there anything you’ve been doing differently for self-care during this time?
It’s funny that you said self-care because we’ve dedicated the entire month of February in the body community to radical self-love—and that journey really starts with self-care. For me, that is mainly about slowing down. I’ve learned that during the pandemic, listening to self, moving a little bit slower, taking walks outside, working out outside—basically, understanding the things that are not off-limits, like fresh air, vitamin D, connection, community—are so very important. This whole situation made us reinvent the way that we connect with people. It has really shifted, and I also think part of that, at least in the greater Los Angeles area while the restaurants were closed, involved being mindful of what we buy, what we waste, how we prepare food, what we put in our body. It’s a different nutrition plan when you’re at home and you’re the chef. [laughs] I’ve been gardening more than ever because, suddenly, I’m spending a lot more time in the kitchen. I’ve always prepared our family meals, but now I’m spending more quality time with myself, with the people I love, and doing things that are fulfilling.

What are you most looking forward to next?
I don’t love fear. I feel like we’re shifting out of fear, and we’re shifting into more conscious responsibility when it comes to society. I miss traveling, and I miss the celebrations that we took for granted, for example, graduation. My daughter is graduating from college soon, and I have a big birthday coming up. All of those things have changed. I’m looking forward to a little bit more social freedom because I’m a people person, and I miss in-person experiences. I have stayed connected with friends and family and women around the globe as much as I can, but I miss that human experience, and I’m really looking forward to getting back to that. I’m looking forward to going back to that eye-to-eye contact connection.

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