8 Ways to Take a More Relaxing Shower


In the world of beauty (and overall basic hygiene, in general), baths are one of those things that seem incredibly split down the middle: You are either a shower person all the way, or your nightly bath is a bit of a ritual. A bath is that finite divider between a hectic day and the night—that precursor to bedtime that feels not only indulgent, but also absolutely necessary to unwind. Here are eight products that do the trick every time to take the stresses of the day away.



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Mio Liquid Yoga

Despite it’s almost indescribable milky-green consistency, it has an almost energizing, yet soothing, minty-herbal scent that you can breathe in and feel instantly better. Plus, it totally rinses out of the tub, so you don’t have to worry about any oils sticking around. $40, mioskincare.com


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OSEA Salts of the Earth Body Scrub

After a long day of walking around in heels, your legs and feet are in desperate need of a serious soak and this one definitely does the trick. It makes skin feel supersoft and nicely scented (but not at all overpowering), and it successfully made even a Vegas hotel tub seem like the most relaxing place on the planet. $40, oseamalibu.com


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Kniepp Stress-Free Herbal Bath

All the bath products from Kneipp are better described as an experience. They somehow manage to pack in a ton of essential oils and skin softeners, and leave the bath water with a really bright color that washes away, right away. This scent is an editor’s favorite; a cooling citrusy blend that manages to be uplifting and relaxing, all at the same time. $20, kneippus.com

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Fresh Sugar Lemon Sugarbath

It’s somewhat incredulous to think this product has been around long enough to be considered a “classic,” but it has definitely done its time to reach that status—to the point that you can almost feel nostalgic when you use it. It’s one of those products you will absolutely hoard, dropping in one or two (or even half of one) at a time for a deliciously fizzy bath. $38, fresh.com



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Pure Fiji Coconut Milk Guava Bath Soak

This milky-coconut soak is really rich and smells like the most perfect fruity-tropical fragrance ever. It’s a moisture magnet for really parched skin and the scent sticks around for hours afterward, to the level that you should skip perfume, and even lotion, when you use it. $34, purefiji.com

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Jo Malone Vitamin E Body Treatment Scrub

So many brands say their products dish out a “spa-experience” and it’s sort of hard to take them seriously. But, this one actually delivers. It’s superluxurious, really helps to leaving skin looking glowy and smells amazing. $90, jomalone.com

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Aromatherapy Associates Inner Strength Body Oil

Aromatherapy Associates president and cofounder Geraldine Howard created this body oil while undergoing cancer treatment. It has such an inspirational story that you can’t help but fall in love with it before you apply it; after you do, you’ll be completely hooked on the power of this restorative blend. $66, aromatherapyassociates.com


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Philosophy Live Joyously Shampoo, Bath and Shower Gel

Like taking a bath, the scent of patchouli comes with a divided set. Some love it; some don’t, and it seems those who fall on the latter half can always sniff out anyone who is wearing it. This multitasking blend (it has patchouli, pink peony and tangerine) successfully manages to make it a fragrance that is rich and refreshing. It’s the perfect way to end (or even start) your day. $25, sephora.com

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