
Why Brooke Shields Never Seems to Age

Why Brooke Shields Never Seems to Age featured image
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At 47-years-old, Brooke Shields is one “Pretty Baby.” The child star turned model and actress seems to look younger, and more beautiful every year. So what is it about Brooke that makes her look so youthful and stunning? The beauty experts weigh in.

The Eyebrows
Since she first hit the big screen, Brooke has been known for her strong brows. Celebrity makeup artist Eugenia Weston says a fuller brow can make you look younger than you really are. “A defined brow creates the perfect frame to make the eyes look bigger and give lift to the face.”

The Eyes
As the former spokesperson for the eyelash growth enhancer Latisse, Brook knows that full lashes make your eyes look bigger and more open. “I destroyed my own eyelashes while performing on Broadway because I had to use fakes—after awhile that takes a toll,” she says. After using the prescription-only serum, Brooke says she can even get away with not wearing mascara.

The Teeth
“Brooke has beautifully rounded teeth that look youthful, natural and feminine,” says Beverly Hills, CA, cosmetic dentist Laurence R. Rifkin, DDS. If your teeth have a bit of wear and are slightly squared off on the edges it might make you look older, he says. “Subtle reshaping to round out the corners should be considered. It’s a conservative way to enhance your natural beauty, as short stubby teeth can age your look.”

The Lips
Regardless of the natural shape or size of your lips, a fuller pout is the key contributor to younger-looking lips and that’s one of the reasons Brooke looks so youthful. If your lips seem thin and meek, crooked teeth may be to blame. When teeth aren’t properly aligned, your entire lower face, including your lips, appear to cave inwards due to a lack of structural support.” Your lips will look fuller and more symmetrical if your teeth are properly aligned,” says Dr. Rifkin.

The Hair
Brooke has gorgeous, long flowing waves, a sign of youth and beauty. It looks to be all natural, but you can never know for sure. “Over the last few years, celebrities have embraced extensions, and now they are the mainstream option for women who cant grow long hair or aren’t willing to wait for it,” says celebrity hairstylist Riccardo Maggiore. “Extensions dramatically add fullness to thin, fine and limp hair and give a ‘wow’ factor,” he says. 

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