Everyone loves a good sale, and Sephora’s Holiday Savings Sale is here to bring all Sephora Beauty Insiders the beauty must-haves you need to get yourself ready for the festive season. Savings and run time vary based on your Sephora Beauty Insider status, but the sale started yesterday for Rouge members, who can enjoy 20 percent-off in-store and online through 11/7. VIB members can enjoy 15 percent-off from 11/1 through 11/7, and Sephora Insiders can take 10 percent-off all purchases from 11/3 through 11/7. For all you online shoppers, don’t forget to use code SAVINGS at checkout to receive your discount. Regardless of when and where you’re shopping this major sale, here are some of our favorite products to use your discounts on.
9 Beauty Deals You Won’t Want To Miss During Sephora’s Holiday Savings Sale
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