Olivia Wilde’s Makeup Artist Shares Concealer Tips for Mature Skin

Olivia Wilde’s Makeup Artist Shares Concealer Tips for Mature Skin featured image
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As we age, more things we want to conceal on our faces tend to pop up—from wrinkles to melasma. However, think back to your 20s. There were likely spots on your skin you’d rather cover with concealer than let shine through, even in your younger years. With all the TikTok trends, it’s easy to be fooled into applying concealer in a way that does more harm than good. When celebrity makeup artist Wendy Rowe was asked about the rules of concealer—and if they change as we age—she dove into details and set the record straight.

Rowe, whose clients include Olivia Wilde, Sienna Miller, Victoria Beckham and Priyanka Chopra, revealed that makeup suggestions don’t necessarily have to do with aging skin all the time during an event with REN Skincare, which she loves using on her clients. More important than age, when it comes to concealer, is face shape, she explains.

As she puts it, if something goes in or you’ve got dents, aka wrinkles, around your mouth or elsewhere, those are prime spots for a light concealer. If the wrinkle “creates a shadow, then put on a concealer that’s lighter that will bring it up to the same surface as your skin,” says Rowe. “So you want to bring it forward.”

On the other hand, “everything you want to hide, contour or push it back. So highlight the cheekbones if you want them to come out,” explains Rowe. “Pull out the jaw, shadow the chin.”

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