Hugh Jackman Urges Sunscreen Use After Skin-Cancer Scare

Hugh Jackman Urges Sunscreen Use After Skin-Cancer Scare featured image

Wearing a bandage on the end of his nose, Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman revealed in a Twitter video that he has undergone a biopsy on potential skin cancer and will receive results within a few days.

This isn’t the first time Jackman has been diagnosed with and treated for skin cancer. The 54-year-old actor had his first skin cancer removed in 2013. With at least six procedures since that time, Jackman has always been vocal about the reality of skin cancer and the importance of wearing sunscreen.

In the video, Jackman describes how his doctor noticed two spots on his nose that could be basal cell carcinomas, the same kind of skin cancer Jackman has been treated for in the past.

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common kind of skin cancer, and is a non-melanoma, meaning it’s much less likely to spread. It is most often caused by over exposure to the sun or tanning beds, and is usually treated by surgically removing the entirety of the cancer.

If you’re curious about what that process is like, you can learn more here, where NewBeauty’s director of beauty Brittany Fallon walks us through her experience with mole removal to prevent skin cancer.

“Just to remind you, basal cell in the world of skin cancers is the least dangerous of them all,” Jackman says. “However, if I can just take this opportunity to remind you summer is coming for those of us here in the northern hemisphere. Please wear sunscreen.”

Growing up, Jackman was among the majority of Australians who spent lots of time in the sun and did not wear SPF. “It’s just not worth it. No matter how much you want to tan, trust me, trust me, trust me. This is all stuff that happened 25 years ago—it’s coming out now,” he continued, pointing to the bandage on his nose.

When caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable; that’s why regular medical checkups are vital to maintaining your health. Sun protection is the most important step you can take to protect yourself from developing skin cancer down the line.

“Put some sunscreen on,” Jackman urges in the video. “You’ll still have an incredible time out there.”

When examining your skin for atypical moles and lesions, you can refer to this helpful guide, provided by the AAD:

A is for Asymmetry: One half doesn’t match the other.
B is for Border irregularity: The edges are ragged, notched or blurred.
C is for Color that varies from one area to another.
D is for Diameter: Melanomas are usually greater than 6 millimeters (the size of a pencil eraser) when diagnosed, but they can be smaller.
E is for Evolving: Look for a mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or color.

Visit for more information on prevention and detection. 

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