
How 30 Minutes in This Special Chair Is Helping Women Cure Incontinence

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It feels like a taboo subject, but it shouldn’t be at all. According to the National Association of Incontinence, of the 25 million Americans dealing with the sudden urge to use the restroom and loss of bladder control, 75-80 percent of those are women. Essentially, episodes of involuntary leaking occur to one in four women over the age of 18, so while it’s a subject we don’t talk about enough, it’s a common concern.

Duxbury, MA plastic surgeon Christine Hamori, MD says at her practice, a treatment that involves sitting on a chair has helped to rid her patients of the embarrassing episodes and for some, a reliance on pads, underwear and bladder-leakage products. Dr. Hamori says it’s been a life-changing treatment for so many and the best part is they just have to sit down in her Emsella chair. Here, she shares the treatment benefits and how easy it is to incorporate into your busy lifestyle.

What does the Emsella treatment consist of?

“It’s basically a throne-like chair that delivers electromagnetic pulse similar to the Emsculpt treatment where electromagnetic energy is focused into a beam to stimulate muscle contractions. Instead of focusing that energy on abdominal muscles, it’s focused on your pelvic floor. It helps women that have had children who are suffering from stress incontinence or vaginal laxity to strengthen the pelvic muscles. It basically does 20,000 Kegel exercises in one 30-minute session.”

Which muscle group is it targeting?

“We know from gynecologists that Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles that support the pelvic organs like the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. Many of my patients were advised by their gynecologist to do pelvic-floor therapy, but they either couldn’t do it or keep it up because Kegels are very difficult to do. With Emsella, it kind of educates the patient of where those muscles are and you’re not only able to feel them better, but you have more control immediately after undergoing your first treatment.”

What are the main improvements patients notice?

“Tightening of the pelvic floor muscle is going to help you improve stress incontinence and vaginal laxity, so they feel tightness.”

How long do results last?

“The recommended number of sessions is six. Results lasts for six months, and I recommend coming back in for another treatment at six months.”

What other treatments can you pair it with?

“If the patient has concerns of vaginal dryness and laxity, I will recommend combining the Emsella treatment with a Votiva radio-frequency treatment. The radio frequency helps with skin tightening and lubrication.”

Which age group are you treating most?

“Most commonly postpartum women, which is anywhere from mid 20s to mid 30s. These patients typically have had a vaginal delivery and have concerns about vaginal laxity and mild stress incontinence. Another group of patients that we see are post- and peri-menopausal patients who are also noting some increasing stress incontinence, a little leaking of urine when they cough, and some vaginal laxity. Lastly, we also have patients that come in for preventative measures. They’ve just had a baby and they come within the first six weeks and get tightening to help their body recover.”

Are there any notable side effects with Emsella?

“There is a positive side effect in that it also helps to improve orgasms. I have a lot of people comment that their partner can feel a difference, too.”

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