Dr. Amir Karam talks about cosmetic procedures that can be done over the weekend so you are back to work on Monday.
The Mini Lift address the jowls, jawline, lower cheeks, and neck. This procedure has become extremely popular in my practice. The reasons are, it is very effective at treating the jawline and neck, it has a short recovery period, low risk, lower cost, lasting, and can easily be done under local anesthesia. There are a lot of different types of mini lifts being performed. Some procedures involve simply removing a small amount of skin. However, to create lasting and meaningful results, the deep muscles (SMAS) of the face and neck need to be addressed. In this case, through very small incisions, the muscle layer of the face and neck are repositioned to a more youthful position.
The key to a natural and effective outcome is directly dependent on the vector the surgeon uses to elevate the deep tissues. Once the deep structures are restored to the more youthful configuration, the skin should simply redrape over the enhanced contour. The skin should not be pulled or tightened. These are the most important factors in preventing the “operated” look or the “wind tunnel” appearance that so many patients are afraid of.