Liposuction Specialist Dr. David M. Amron, M.D. of “Dr. 90210” and Spalding Drive Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology in Beverly Hills, performs pure tumescent liposucton on Danny Bonaduce.
Dr. David Amron, a board certified Beverly Hills dermatologic and cosmetic surgeon, is nationally recognized as a specialist in liposuction. His artistic sense, combined with his meticulous attention to detail, consistently achieves outstanding results in sculpturing the body.
Dr. Amron is an outspoken advocate of what he calls pure tumescent liposuction, which is a much safer procedure when compared with liposuction that uses general anesthesia.
This is a far safer technique, with no deaths or major complications reported in the hundreds of thousands of patients over the many years that have had the procedure done. Fat is removed with far less bleeding, leading to superior results, less bruising and faster healing. Patients are able to walk immediately after the procedure and typically return to work in two days. All liposuction surgeries by Dr. Amron are performed in a state-of-the-art fully accredited surgery center.