It’s safe to say SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic has far surpassed cult-classic skin-care status and, now, it looks like supermodel Ashley Graham can be added to the convert list.
As Graham told The Strategist, post-baby, she was short on time. “I don’t have time to be in the bathroom for an hour doing a skin-care routine anymore. Before my son Isaac was born, I could take my time and do what I wanted when I wanted to, but now it’s really all about strategy and efficiency. My dermatologist, Dr. Shereene Idriss, told me about this. I started going to her about a year ago because I felt like my skin was starting to look a little dull. I would look at it and it just looked mushy, if that makes any sense. My skin was changing, my body was changing, I was getting older but I’m not old-old. And she said to me, ‘Are you using a vitamin C serum?’ When I said no, she looked at me with pure shock. I got this one, and now I use it every day. I definitely have seen a difference. It’s really brightened my complexion. I don’t even use a moisturizer over it sometimes because it’s super hydrating.”
Also on Graham’s beauty musts: Kérastase Initialiste Advanced Scalp & Hair Serum ($51), which she credits for being her “true saving grace” for postpartum hair loss, Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Brazilian Tan ($7), and the gold-standard of Aquaphor ($4), for which she offered a very unconventional use.
“I use it on my lips, my elbows, my feet, everywhere. I have been that girl to empty a whole tube of lip balm because I was headed to an event and forgot to apply lotion. I just put it all over my legs and the problem was solved. They were very sticky, but they looked good. I’m sad to say that I have actually done this multiple times before. It’s a good hack.”