Introducing the NewBeauty Brain Trust: The thinkers, the innovators and the highly regarded experts who help generate the ideas for everything beauty.
Robert Singer, MD
La Jolla, CA Plastic Surgeon
Internationally renowned aesthetic plastic surgeon and educator Robert Singer, MD of La Jolla, CA is a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has served as president and chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Aesthetic Society, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, president of the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, and president of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, an organization from which he recently received a Career Achievement Award.
Mark Jewell, MD
Eugene, OR Plastic Surgeon
Former president of The Aesthetic Society, Mark Jewell, MD is involved with the education of young plastic surgeons as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery at Oregon Health Science University and as a Traveling Professor of Plastic Surgery through The Aesthetic Society. Dr. Jewell has published more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers, books and book chapters. He is a respected educator who has lectured and performed surgery to teach other plastic surgeons in the U.S., Europe, South America, Asia, the Middle East, and Australia.
Adir Abergel Hairstylist @hairbyadir
Alan Durkin, MD Plastic Surgeon @oceandriveplasticsurgery
Amber Milt On-Air Beauty Host @ambermilt
Amy Peterson Medical Aesthetician @skincarebyamyp
Anastasia Soare Anastasia Beverly Hills @anastasiasoare
Andrea Rogers Xtend Barre @andrealeighrogers
Andrew Jacono, MD Facial Plastic Surgeon @drjacono
Anthony Youn, MD Plastic Surgeon @tonyyounmd
Ava Shamban, MD Dermatologist @dravasays
B. Aviva Preminger, MD Plastic Surgeon @premingerplasticsurgery
Bart Kaczanowicz @omgbart
Bradley Bengtson, MD Plastic Surgeon @bengtsoncenter
Chad Kenyon Celebrity Colorist @chadkenyon
Cyndi Ramirez-Fulton Founder of Chillhouse @cyndiramirez
D’Andre Michael Makeup Artist & Aesthetician @dandremichael
Deborah Sarnoff, MD Dermatologist and Skin Cancer Foundation @skincancerorg
Doris Day, MD Dermatologist @drdorisday
Elizabeth Trattner Integrative & Chinese Medicine @dreliztratts
Eric Smith Spa Director, Four Seasons New York Downtown @fsnydowntown
Ermahn Ospina Makeup Artist @ermahnopsina
Ewelina Aiossa Beauty Expert/ Founder of Topical Skin @ewelina_aiossa
Giannandrea Hairstylist @giannandreahair
Ginger King Cosmetic Chemist @thebeautysharkginger
Guy Lewis, DDS Cosmetic Dentist @lovethatsmile
Heidi A. Waldorf, MD Dermatologist @drheidiwaldorf
Hope Gillerman Holistic Healer & Aromatherapist @hopegillerman
Irene Gladstein, MD Oculoplastic Surgeon @projectglammers
Iván Pol Aesthetician @thebeautysandwich
Jacqueline Berry Director of Spa & Well-Being, Miraval Group @miravalresorts
Jamie Greenberg Makeup Artist @jamiemakeup
Jared Depriest Stylist @jareddepriest
Jeanine B. Downie, MD Dermatologist @jeaninedownie
Jeffrey Wise, MD Hair Restoration Specialist @drjeffreywise
Jennifer Segal, MD Dermatologist
Jennifer Hanway Holistic Nutritionist @jenniferhanway
Jill Hessler, MD Facial Plastic Surgeon @hesslerplasticsurgery
Joanna Czech Aesthetician @joannaczechofficial
Joel L. Cohen, MD Dermatologist @jcohenderm
Joel Schlessinger, MD Dermatologist @omahabeautydoc
Johnny Lavoy Hairstylist @johnnylavoy
John Russo Celebrity Photographer @johnrussophoto
Josh Rosebrook Skin-Care & Hair-Care Expert @joshrosebrook
Julie Russak, MD Dermatologist @russakderm
Julius Few, MD Plastic Surgeon @juliusfewmd
Justine Marjan Hairstylist @justinemarjan
Kamakshi Zeidler, MD Plastic Surgeon @drzeidler
Kara Yoshimoto Bua Makeup Artist @karayoshimotobua
Kelly Bomer, MD Facial Plastic Surgeon @rejuventmedicalspa
Kelly Murray Adult Sleep Coach @kellymurrayadultsleep
Kelsey Deenihan Fisher Makeup Artist @kdeenihan
Kenneth Beer, MD Dermatologist @beer_dermatology
Kim Kimble Hairstylist @kimblehaircare
Krupa Koestline Cosmetic Chemist @kktconsultants
Lara Eurdolian King Fashion & Beauty Expert @prettyconnected
Lily Lee, MD Plastic Surgeon @lilyleemd
Linda G. Levy The Fragrance Foundation @fragrancefoundation
Lydia Sarfati International Spa Expert @lydia.sarfati
Lynne McNees President of ISPA @ispadoyou
Mally Roncal Mally Beauty @mallyroncall
Mara Martin Supermodel & Advocate @maramartin_
Marina Peredo, MD Dermatologist @skinfluencemd
Michael Horn, MD Plastic Surgeon @drmichaelhorn
Michelle Henry, MD Dermatologist @drmichellehenry
Michelle Wong Cosmetic Chemist @labmuffinbeautyscience
Millie Kendall CEO of The British Beauty Council @milliekendall
Dr. Monica Grover OBGYN & Chief Medical Officer at VSPOT @vspotmedispa
Nargiz Schmidt, DDS Cosmetic Dentist @drnargizschmidt
Nerida Joy Aesthetician @askneridajoy
Nikki Lee Hairstylist @nikkilee901
Orit Markowitz, MD Skin Cancer Specialist @yourdermsderm
Paul Labrecque Hairstylist @paullabrecquesalon
Rachel Anise Beauty Influencer @beautyprofessor
Raman Mahabir, MD Plastic Surgeon @tucsonplasticsurgery
Rhys Athayde Personal Trainer @rjathayde
Rita Hazan Colorist @ritahazan
Robert Cook National Makeup Artist @robertlancomeusa
Sandy Linter Makeup Artist @sandylinter
Sanjay Grover, MD Plastic Surgeon @sanjaygrovermd
Shab Caspara Trichologist @shabhairexpert
Shani Darden Aesthetician @shanidarden
Shari Auth Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine @drshariauth
Stephen Alain Ko Cosmetic Formulator @kindofstephen
Steven Fagien, MD Oculoplastic Surgeon @drstevenfagien
Sue Nabi Cofounder of Orveda @orvedaskincare
Tammy Fender Holistic Skin Expert @tammyfender
Terri Ross Founder & CEO TRC Int’ @terrirossconsulting
Tess Koenig Yoga & Meditation @tessiemade
Tiffany McCormack, MD Plastic Surgeon @mccormackplasticsurgery
Tim Quinn Makeup Artist @timquinnbeauty
Tina Alster, MD Dermatologist @drtinaalster
Tracy Kline Head of Merchandising, Spa & Supply Chain, Blue Mercury @bluemercury
Valerie Callender, MD Dermatologist & Hair Loss Expert @callenderskin
Veronica Barton-Schwartz Veronica Skincare @veronicamalibu
Veronica Webb Beauty Writer & Model @veronicawebb
Victoria Fu & Gloria Lu Chemists & Founders @chemist.confessions
Victoria Veytsman, DDS Cosmetic Dentist @drvictoriadds
Whitney Tingle & Danielle Duboise Cofounders of Sakara Life @sakaralife
Yarden Horwitz Cofounder of Spate @spatenyc