When it comes to cosmetic surgery–obsessed states, we thought we knew which spots would be the most enamored with procedures. However, after looking at recent data, there was one ranking that surprised us. NiceRx analyzed Google search volume to crown the top 10 most cosmetic surgery–obsessed states. To our astonishment, Washington, D.C. earned the second-highest spot on the list.
When looking at Google search volume, NiceRx found that New Yorkers topped the list as those most obsessively searching procedures with 17,688 searches per 100,000 people. Washington, D.C. followed closely behind New York, with 17,246 searches per 100,000 people. California came in at third place, with a significant drop in numbers, showing 10,567 searchers per 100,000 people. The top 10 is filled out, respectively, by Florida, New Jersey, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts and Georgia.
NiceRx also looked at some other data points, including how surgeons were rated in each state. According to NiceRx’s analysis Hawaii, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Utah had the highest-rated surgeons, all with over 4.60 ratings. Meanwhile, North Dakota, Alaska, New Mexico, Delaware and Wisconsin had the lowest-rated surgeons. North Dakota had an average rating of 3.95, and while the other four were a bit higher, they were still under a 4.32 rating.
The most commonly searched procedure, according to NiceRx’s research, was laser hair removal with 4,998,000 searches which is more than double the runner-up, Botox Cosmetic, with 2,022,000. Liposuction, tummy tuck and lip fillers were all heavily searched as well.