Having an experienced professional at the helm of your haircut is of the utmost importance for a good style. But these tips from the pros help, too. Read on to find out the simple ways you can get the cut you want each and every time—some of them might surprise you!
1. Keep Your Cut Symmetrical: Celebrity stylist Mara Roszak says that a cut done evenly across with a set part grows out the best. “If there is no specific part that the hair is cut to, the sides won’t be even and the hair won’t grow in evenly. Cutting hair to a center part helps prevent this.”
2. Stay Away From Major Cuts During Vulnerable Times: It’s not the best time to make a drastic change to your hair after a breakup or during any type of traumatic or stressful life event. More likely than not, you will regret the change.
Related: Eat Your Way to Healthy Hair
3. Consider Your facial Proportions: “A good cut is well proportioned to your face and height, as well as the shape of your face and bone structure,” says Seji Kitazato, cocreative director at New York’s Frédéric Fekkai salon. “That’s why stylists should have you stand up, so we can take a step back and assess the hair, how it naturally falls and its proportions.”
4. Don’t Cut Your Hair Too Frequently: Some stylists say to get a cut every four to six weeks, others say every eight to 12. “If you cut your hair too often, it always looks the same and you’ll never get to experiment with how it grows out. Sometimes that’s when hair looks best—a few months after a cut,” says celebrity stylist Jen Atkin. A good cut should transition through growth periods.
5. Take Into Consideration How Much Time Goes Into Daily Styling: Don’t neglect reality for what looks good at the moment. New York celebrity stylist Antonio Prieto recommends you consider how much time you have each day to style you hair and the season, too.