How This Blogger Magically Makes Her Cellulite Disappear in Different Lighting

How This Blogger Magically Makes Her Cellulite Disappear in Different Lighting featured image

In a world of photoshop and retouching, it’s pretty much an unwritten rule to assume that images shared on social media have already been digitally enhanced. Flaws are frequently erased and body shapes are altered, giving viewers an unrealistic idea of what the perfect body should look like.

However, whether we like it or not, cellulite and stubborn fat rolls are a very real part of life for most of us. In fact, dermatologists claim it affects up to 90 percent of women. So, while images of smooth thighs and shapely buttocks are often debuted on our social media feeds, most of us can’t relate. Luckily, one blogger just shattered these social media beauty standards with a recent Instagram post that shows viewers her cellulite disappearing when exposed to different lighting.

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The video, posted by blogger and body positivity activist Gabi Gregg (@GabiFresh ), was put up as a “reminder that cellulite is normal and nothing to be ashamed of.”

In the short clip, you can clearly see Gregg walking on what appears to be a photo shoot set toward a mirror. As she moves away from the camera, her cellulite instantly vanishes due to the changing light—just like magic.

So, the next time you see celebrities and other non-famous faces flaunting their bikini bodies on social media, keep in mind that they’ve probably used a bit of light trickery and photoshop to manipulate their images to perfection. Comparing yourself to these kinds of unrealistic body types deteriorates self-confidence and stigmatizes cellulite when it shouldn’t be.

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