With the popularity of lip injections soaring as of late, you’d think the general consensus is “bigger is better.” But, as we saw the rise of lip reduction surgery across the world last year—predominantly Asia—we know that’s not true.
And although lip reduction surgery itself isn’t new—according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there were 3,547 lip reduction surgeries in the U.S. in 2016—a new technique called “Seagull Wing Incision,” developed by Thai plastic surgeon Pusit Jittilaongwong, MD, is creating quite a buzz.
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As reported on by Bangkok Post, the technique is being dubbed a “world breakthrough” and is set to be unveiled at IMCAS World Congress 2018 in Paris early next month. Dr. Jittilaongwong, who has performed more than 8,000 lip reduction surgeries and is known as “Dr. Thin Lips,” tells the news outlet he invented the new technique to combine aesthetics with abnormality correction to create the best result.
“This technique is different from the traditional method adopted in Europe for years,” says Dr. Jittilaongwong. “The conventional lip reduction involves cutting off some amount of flesh to make thinner lips, but the shape does not look so nice. The Seagull Wing technique is used to create an organic, seagull wing–like shape of the upper lip, making it more natural, and most importantly, making it functional as usual. This technique also boasts short-time recovery, no bruising and less keloid on the lips or other side-effects after the surgery.”
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New York facial plastic surgeon Joshua Rosenberg, MD, says variations of this type of “seagull” lip surgery have been popular in the U.S. for some time. “Although Dr. Jittilaongwong has not published his specific technique or results yet, similar methods have been practiced in the U.S. They capitalize on the seagull wing shape of the upper lip to hide the scars in the vermillion border (where the lip meets the facial skin), which is an area that typically heals very well,” Dr. Rosenberg explains. “For select individuals, it can be a powerful technique to get the ideal look for their lips. Culturally, enhanced, ‘big’ lips are popular in the U.S. right now, but tastes are always changing and refining, and I am certain there is an audience for the ‘seagull’ lip reduction here too.”
According to Dr. Rosenberg, post-surgery swelling in the lips can be substantial during the first one or two days, and stitches come out after one week. “Pain is limited, but I recommend patients stay on a soft-food diet for the first two weeks after surgery.”
Check out some of the lip reduction surgeries performed at Dr. Jittilaongwong’s Punisa Lip Surgery Clinic: