Fitness Blogger Proves That The Number on the Scale Has Nothing to Do With Your Health

Kelsey Wells, the fitness blogger behind My Sweat Life, started Kayla Itsines’s Bikini Body Guide (BBG) workout after she gave birth to her son. Like many new moms, her goal was to drop the 20 pounds she had gained during her pregnancy.

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After 84 weeks of continuously following the BBG, Wells looks better than ever. But surprisingly, she’s only 5 pounds lighter than her beginning weight. In an Instagram post that’s amassed over 10k likes, Wells shows herself at her start weight (145), her current weight (140) and her actual goal weight (122), which she achieved after a few months on the program.

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“I figured it was time for a friendly, yet firm reminder,” Wells captions her post. “Please stop getting hung up on the number on the stupid scale! Please stop thinking your weight equals your progress and for the love of everything, please stop letting your weight have any affect whatsoever on your self esteem, like I used to.”

Wells continues to explain that she was 130 before pregnancy and had arbitrarily picked 122 as her goal weight post partum. But even though she could finally fit into those size 0 jeans, Wells’ fitness journey was only starting. Since she hit that number, Wells has gained 18 pounds and gone up two pant sizes, but has also come to the new realization that numbers mean nothing.

“According to my old self and flawed standards, I would be failing miserably,” Wells continues. “THANK GOODNESS I finally learned to start measuring my progress by things that matter — strength, ability, endurance, health, and HAPPINESS. Take progress photos and videos. Record how many push-ups you can do, etc. There is only a five lb difference between my starting and current weight, but my body composition has changed COMPLETELY. I have never had more muscle and less body fat than I do now. I have never been healthier than I am now. I have never been more comfortable in my own skin than I am now. And if I didn’t say #screwthescale long ago, I would have gave up on my journey.”

And judging from the photos, strong is a fantastic look.

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