
The At-Home Hair Color Service Everyone Can’t Stop Talking About

The At-Home Hair Color Service Everyone Can’t Stop Talking About featured image

Successfully coloring your hair at home is no easy feat—after all, not only do you have to pick the right color for a flattering finish, but the process itself can be easy to screw up. Luckily, there’s an at-home service that finally makes the whole situation a lot simpler: eSalon.

While one of the hardest parts of at-home hair coloring is finding the perfect shade, the guesswork is completely eliminated when you use eSalon. At eSalon, a personal colorist creates a specific color formulation to meet all your hair needs. In order to do that, customers must first create a profile that includes their hair history and ultimate color goal. Once the profile is created, a personal colorist individually creates the blend that’s perfect for you. And finally, the color set is delivered to your door, complete with step-by-step personalized instructions so you’ll know exactly how the color process works.

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Sounds easy, right? Well, we had 52-year-old Jane Simon give the service a try to see exactly how simple the whole process actually is. According to Simon—she used the service to touch up her grown-out roots—the instructions were clear and specific, making the process very simple. Additionally, this kit wasn’t like the run-of-the-mill drugstore dyes people often buy, it actually includes a few extra items: a one-use shampoo and conditioner, stain remover and gloves in addition to the dye. And as a bonus, the dye’s scent wasn’t offensive to the senses the way other dyes can be. “It smelled better than other hair dyes, and my hair was shiny after,” said Simon.

However, Simon did mention she had one regret after using the product: not utilizing eSalon’s customer service perks. “I definitely should have taken advantage of the eSalon Team resources and contacted them with questions by email, phone or videos,” Simon said. “They may have been able to provide a tip regarding the very stubborn grays around my temples.”

Nevertheless, Simon says she definitely still prefers the ease of eSalon (she signed up for the auto-ship!) and is generally happy with her results. “I normally color my hair at home every three to four weeks but I often have a problem with brassiness when using store bought brands,” says Simon. “But I didn’t experience this with eSalon.”

With semipermanent or permanent options available, there’s something for everyone when it comes to eSalon. The easy instructions and stacked kit of essentials make eSalon a foolproof DIY hair color system that’s perfect for color professionals and newbies alike. And as the final reassurance, if you’re less than satisfied with your first result, your personal colorist will alter the next batch until the shade comes out the way you’d like. Considering personalized hair color has always been restricted to salons, this is some next-level technology that’s seriously shaking up the hair care industry—we couldn’t be happier about it.

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