
Cyndi Lauper Speaks Out About Her Ongoing Battle With This Skin Condition

Cyndi Lauper Speaks Out About Her Ongoing Battle With This Skin Condition featured image
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When Kim Kardashian West told the world about her ongoing problems with psoriasis, an immune-mediated disease that causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin, it helped raise awareness for the condition. Now, another A-lister is speaking out with the same intention. 

Pop icon Cyndi Lauper spoke out on Good Morning America today about her battle with psoriasis and her partnership with Novartis (parent company of Cosentyx, an anti-psoriasis drug), which she hopes will help her reach those who are also suffering from the disease. 

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“I’m one of the 7.5 million people with it, and I just cant stress enough to not sit in the dark and not sit alone. When you’re sick, you feel isolated and powerless, but information is power, so go to SeeMeToKnow.com and you’ll hear my story and other people’s stories. What everyone continually says is don’t give up—seek the treatment that’s right for you. It’s not just a rash, it’s an inflammatory thing.” 

Psoriasis, which according to the American Academy of Dermatology typically affects the outside of the elbows, knees or scalp, can begin at any age. “I was covered from head to toe with it (it started on my head) and I felt badly,” says Lauper. “But I didn’t give up. I had every kind of crazy treatment. But what works for one person isn’t going to work for another.” 

Keep a record of your symptoms and visit a board-certified dermatologist who can properly diagnose and treat you to minimize any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing.

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