Remember when we told you about Zytaze, the little pill that can enhance the results of botox injections? Well, it’s now available for purchase online.
The nutritional supplement is said to contain a patent-pending blend of organic zinc and phytase, an enzyme that aids zinc absorption, to improve and extend the duration of results by as much as 30 percent on average. With the cost of the pills under $50, doctors are reporting that patients who originally shied away from cosmetic injections are now coming in since the cost of maintenance is much lower. Each package of Zytaze ($40) contains a five-day supply with 10 capsules.
“Initially, Zytaze was available through physicians only but because of the overwhelming response from patients, we are extending availability directly to patients by offering it online,” says the company’s president and COO, Patrick Ward.
Have you tried Zytaze yet? Let us know what you think.