
5 Steps to a “Pilates” Body with Blogilates’ Cassey Ho

5 Steps to a “Pilates” Body with Blogilates’ Cassey Ho featured image

There’s no doubt that Cassey Ho, creator of Blogilates.com and POP Pilates, is an inspiration. She’s created workout and meal plans to help her followers lose weight and get the body they want in a healthy and fun way. Need proof? Just go to her Instagram where she posts her affectionately titled “POPsters” amazing body transformations. We got her to share her top tips on how to get that coveted “Pilates body” here:

1. Drink two to four liters of water daily to stay hydrated and flush toxins out.

2. Eat lean protein and replace refined carbs with veggies and whole grains like quinoa and brown rice.

3. Mix up your Pilates routines with cardio at least three to four times a week for the best muscle toning, fat shedding combination.

4. Stretch after every workout session! It will increase your flexibility and limberness, which will help your maximize the results of your next workout.

5. Find the joy in your workout! This will keep you coming back and committed to your fit lifestyle!

Get started with this video where Cassey shows us a five-minute Pilates routine that you can do at home and don’t forget to visit her website and YouTube channel for more fun workout videos and diet tips.

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