
4 Ways To Get Healthy Hair At Home

4 Ways To Get Healthy Hair At Home featured image

While there’s nothing like a trip to the salon to get your hair in tip-top condition, sometimes it’s just not the most convenient option. It’s no fun to have to wait around for an appointment when you want to see results fast. That’s why we put together this handy home hair treatment guide that will take you no further than your kitchen or local grocery store to get you hair that glistens.

Use ketchup to kill green
Since chlorine has the tendency to give blonde hair a green tinge, a great home treatment is to use tomato ketchup. Simply pour the ketchup onto the hair and wash it out after a couple of minutes. The red tone of the ketchup neutralizes the green left by the chlorine. If you’re not a ketchup fan, club soda can work too.

Make mayonnaise your shine serum
A quick and easy way to add shine to your hair is to apply mayonnaise to it. Just massage a dollop of it into your hair and cover it with a shower cap. Shampoo it out after you’ve let it set for a couple of minutes. And voilà! Healthy and shiny hair made easy.

Brighten with beer
Another great way to add shine to your hair is with beer. That’s right! It turns out that the malt and hops used to make beer contain proteins that are thought to repair damaged strands, while the sugars help tighten the hair cuticle to add shine. The key to this hair treatment is to use flat beer, so open up a can and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then after shampooing, pour the beer over your hair and massage it into your scalp. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and then rinse it out with cool water.

Cayenne to cure hair loss?
While there is little scientific evidence that cayenne pepper actually does help prevent hair loss, some people swear by it. It contains a chemical called capsaicin that stimulates the hair follicle, as well as quercetin, a chemical that increases blood circulation that is helpful for hair growth. One treatment is to massage a mixture of cayenne pepper and olive oil into the scalp and let it sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing completely.

Have you tried any of these hair treatments? Tell us about your experience in the *comments.

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